I have been away from the fiber thing for too long. Really, I never left it totally behind me while I attended to my mom duties, but I used to be immersed in it. Every waking moment was taken up with something fibery. Then came kids.
At that time, I really just knit little bits here and there, mostly for gifts to give. Once a year I would go crazy finishing some project or two to enter in the state fair. That is when things got nuts. Those are the fiber moments my hubby would remember. They weren't pretty...
When I went into that all or nothing mode, lots of stuff I should have been doing, didn't get done. My priority was wool, what ever I was working on, not my "job". But that was then...
I think I have matured (duh! I'm going on 17 years doing the "mom" thing, if that doesn't cause you to mature...). I am better at prioritizing. I haven't perfected it, but I am getting better. My big problem is remembering that my "hobbies" are just that. I have many things that need to get done in order to keep my home in order, but I DO have loads of time to do my fibery stuff, I just have to stop wasting time in front of the t.v. and on the computer. Better organization skills would help too. Did I say, I'm working on that????
So back to the wool fest. I always see so many things to inspire at these shows. Have you ever had so many ideas swimmng around in your head you just dont know where to start? That is where I am right now. Sensory overload in the worst way. I always cave at this point. So much floating around in my brain, no clear place to start, so why try...nothing gets done; all talk/thought, no action. Well, that's going to change...
I bought a couple of things today...a small drop spindle, a felting stone, and three llama finger puppets. Oh, I WANTED more wool, more equipment, blah, blah, blah...but I KNOW I have a stash of stuff waiting for me in my closet. Its been waiting for just this time in my life...I have to use my new found discipline to act on all those ideas that are racing around in my head....now is the time. Maybe I just need a little shepherd dog to rein them all in...
That was some MAJOR fortitude you showed. I can't believe you could go there and not buy ANY fiber - no matter how large your stash.
(This disbelief on my part also explains the size of my stash.)
....well...I did get an ounce of roving WITH the spindle...
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