30 September 2009

clutter busting...

I just cannot seem to get a handle on the clutter in my home.  I've tried baby steps, and all summer I had taken car loads and truck loads to the local Goodwill store as donations.  I swear I restocked the shelves at that store!  And yet, there is still clutter in my home. 
I have always been a pack rat.  I inherited that from my mum and she in turn from hers.  I suffer from that "there has to be a use for that" syndrome.  Thing is, we live in a world where if we need something that badly, it is readily available, so why keep loads of junk around.  Perhaps someone else is looking for that very item because they were smart enough not to keep it from an earlier time?
The clutter in my home is getting in the way of my creativity as well.  I keep thinking there is no way I can spend time making stuff while there is so much to do to get rid of all the crap that surrounds me.  I should get my home and life organized before I do something as indulgent as making something.  Instead of having that block most people have with a blank canvas before them, I have the clutter canvas before me that wont let me get at the creativity that desperately wants release. 
I honestly try not to bring more stuff home.  I am really not a shopper anymore.  I'm not really a clothes hound.  I dont feel the need to decorate with the latest home fashions.  So realisticly, the clutter should diminish in my home as I contiune to get rid of stuff, right?  Perhaps I just have so much that I have not begun to make a dent yet...
My goal is to get another bit done this weekend.  Maybe take another load to the Goodwill on Tuesday.  I have a pile started already.  I'll add to it and see what I get accomplished.  In the mean time, I will try to actually finish knitting/felting project that has been before me for some time.  Perhaps it is more than physical clutter...

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