My last was a triangular pattern I found in an Interweave Press mag from a few years back. I knit it up with Crystal Palace lace weight in white. It turned out beautiful...one an award at a state fair when I entered it that year. It is one of my favorite pieces and I wear it often. But that was a while ago...

Its a lovely technique - all knitting stitches with the typical YO's and K2tog's to make the lace patterns. I'll have to concentrate for sure, but I am looking forward to working it up. It always seems to make sense the way the pattern comes together. I would think that alot of knitting based on folk patterns are like that. These amazing women knit them from their heads...passed the patterns on through generations...I like how that feels -- knitting something that an old russian grandma would have knit.
I started the scarf over the weekend up north. A perfect place to knit -- out on the porch by the lake. It was wonderful. Now that I am back home, I will have to have more discipline to work on it faithfully. It is always harder to find quiet time around home. If I get it, I worry about all the other things I should be doing. Its tough being a responsible housewife and mother!
There is NEVER enough time. The question is - what will still be there when you are gone? Your heirloom piece of knitting or your kids remembering how clean the house was?
That being said, it's a hard balancing act...
I guess I would rather the kids get FINISHED heirlooms over WIP's which they have NO idea how to finish (I knit lefty backwards making it that much more difficult to actually want to finish one of MY projects!)
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