02 February 2011

...snow day

Nothing like a good snow day to spark creativity and motivation.  The Midwest states got seriously hit with a good bit of snow.  Then came winds to whip it around creating drifts like we have not seen in over ten years.  The national weather service certainly called this one and we were physically and mentally prepared for the "lock-in".  It literally took over 4 hours to clear the drive and dig out the cars.  In that amount of mindless, monotonous, physical labor, one really has time to think, and think I did. 
  I have been wanting to get some of my knitting ideas from the sketch book stage to "knitable patterns on paper" stage.  It just seemed that if I could be out there with my kids tackling (and overcoming) the piles of snow that had to be moved, I could certainly start to take action on getting these designs to paper...as workable patterns.  The next logical steps may be to find a way to publish them, be it e-published or old-fashioned book or magazine published, it would be a dream to have someone else in the knitting world see them as valuable to others in that same creative world.
  I think my first one will be the Oktoberfest jacket I made from my friends son -- he was less than a year old when I made it for him.  A small, simple pattern with a few special details, it should be a bit easier to translate to a written pattern.  
  Part of my problem though, is the fabulous idea seldom makes it to reality.  You know, all talk-no action, this is my past pattern.  Usually it is because I run into a bump in the road that makes it hard to proceed.  When the way becomes difficult, I tend to bog down and get no where.  Perhaps now is the time to put to rest that bad habit and develop a new one...My old way was to just sit and wait for my hubby or a neighbor to take care of the difficult task of clearing the way from all the snow...This year, this snow storm in particular I felt empowered by being out there with the kiddos and getting the job done.  Perhaps this is the year I put old, bad habits to rest and take on new challenges? 

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