We agreed to meet in Bayside at a place called Maxfield's Pancake House. Misnomer. Its definitly pancakes and MORE! After much deliberation and paging throught the menu, we had lunch ordered and chatted away. Now I have to say that these two ladies have been a very positive influence on my world recently. From getting my bum off the couch and out walking or checking in on exercise in general...they get my creative juices flowing just being around them.
One of the ladies asked the other two of us to take notice of a fine arts/crafts gallery next door. She had to run, but she insisted we go in. We peeked in the window and it looked just too luscious to pass by, so in we went. Surronded by beautiful hand made things, mostly jewlery, accessories and tchotchke, all of it faboo! We finally went to leave, drooling a bit when the proprietor noticed my friends bag, stopped her, asked her where she got it -- she points at me -- owner asks where I got it -- I tell her I made it -- she shakes my hand, slips me a business card and says call me if I would ever want to sell any others that I have made...
I left rather surprised, really. I'm giving it some thought...perhaps I will make a few small bags and see what happens....
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