Well, I did not think I could ever do it, but I am now 90% through all my filing cabinets (and there were many) and I have probably TOSSED 90% of the papers I have been through. Mind you, these are not the important household papers needed for taxes or insurance or investing. These are files of things like projects, future projects, instruction manuals for various appliances, ideas for decorating, ideas for knitting, ideas for craft/beading projects, house cleaning tips (yes, there were articles about going through files on a regular basis in this folder!) and old school records for the kids. The stuff in these files meant nothing to anyone else but me really, and they were scattered about the house in so many different filing systems that it was weighing me down greatly. On a daily basis, I would think about what was in these files, how am I ever going to get to all these projects I've filed away, and how I would ever really find something I might actually need in all the unorganized chaos that was my filing system? There were labeled boxes, file cabinets, desk top files, plastic storage containers, shoe boxes...I could go on...
But I've taken the big step to empty it all out, sort through it and get the files down to two small boxes. Excepting one category of papers...I've yet to find a way to organize my "scrap-book" of knitting ideas. I've got many manila folders and notebooks full of sketches, pictures and magazine clippings and I'm just not sure at this moment how I will organize it all to be useful. Its a pile of lovely ideas that I am not ready to toss to the recycling bin just yet. It is not as easy to decide between "keep" and "toss" as the other paper work was. I want to put it in a large binder format -- that's my idea for now. But there is so much I've collected that the prospect of doing this seems a bit overwhelming at the moment...
But I'll ride the wave of my success at parting with all the other papers that I've been able to part with and we will see where that takes me...
Congrats! Feels good, doesn't it?
Don't be too eager to get rid of the creative stuff. You'll probably use it - unlike the manual for that toaster that died 2 years ago.
Some cheap page protectors from a big box office supply place and you'll be able to put your creative papers in binders. The it's easy to page through them when seeking inspiration.
wow...Great Minds they say...
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