Not that I've been at a complete standstill. I know I've blogged many times about the "dear in the headlights" syndrome, probably to the point of causing anyone following this to just shake their head. But that is my weakness. Fear of success, fear of failure -- both ends of that scale affect how I attack a project.
I've designed an "identity" for my project. Its to be called hübsch, the german word for pretty. I thought I needed to combine my two of my loves -- the german culture/language and knitting. They are the two things I think about to the point of obsession. I have been messing about with a logo, setting up a FB page to introduce it and generate interest among peers, then attack the ravelry site (a step up from my own IT knowledge -- so that could take a bit more time, I'll be staring into those head lamps again...) and possibly etsy (...by that time, I'm thinking roadkill...). I think though, that by blogging about it, it gives me some accountability, right?
I have to get a grip on why I am doing this as well. It will help me to keep things in perspective. It is not capitalism or making a name for myself (although its always been a silly little dream)...its this innate drive to create stuff and then share it. So many times I hear, "oh I wish I could knit..." "where did you get that pattern?" "can you make me one of those?" I will be covering all those questions, comments and more with this project. Plus it sort of feels good just to show it off.