Things will be quieter still, come Thursday. The kids start school again. Summer, stick a fork in it, its done. I don't "officially" go back to my soccer club job until mid-October, leaving me only with the ortho assisting job to keep me on schedule. The kids had become so independent over the summer, it sort of kills me...maybe it was just a way to ease me into how I would have to deal with the school year. With the oldest driving, I don't have to chauffeur so much, leaving me LOADS of free time I did not have last year. Both kids in ONE school helps as well. What will I be doing with that time? Well...
I want to use it to settle in for the fall/winter in general, those are my family responsibilities. Speaking in specifics though, and on a personal growth line of thought, there are three things I want to work on: Buckle down on my german language skills, learn to play grandpa's concertina well enough to play for REAL people, knit...knit...knit...knit (and all that goes along with it, including emphasis on DESIGN and possibly publishing - recording this process was the original purpose of this blog). These are three things that I have done consistently over they years, excepting "the kid years". One puts alot on hold to raise kids.
Now, not that I am done by any means. My role has just dramatically changed. No longer do I have to BE right there. I have just gone into intense worry mode (prompting a phone call to my own mum weekly to apologize for all I put HER through!) and am now teaching through conversations of my wisdom and experience (none of which they want to sit through, mind you...). Its the next step on my grand adventure called parenthood...
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