There are activity issues, diet issues, motivational issues, emotional issues, all of which must be dealt with now before they are huge problems. I've decided to make a plan to get things into routine. I do better with routine.
First, there must be some organization to all the madness around my house. But if I wait until I am completely organized within these walls, I will never be able to start. But I figure to start fresh and more put together with a couple of projects, it may motivate me to take baby steps to get the rest in order.
I would like very much to declutter my home. I am having a hard time letting go. Baby steps...
I would like very much to productively use my free time. I tend to waste it away. Baby steps...
I would like very much to be more fit and become stronger. I choose sitting. Baby steps...
I would like very much to eat healthy food. I have been choosing easy, prepared foods. Baby steps...